Minneapolis Star Tribune Calls Why We Can't Sleep a Singular Experience!
by Ada Calhoun Jan 03, 2020

Great review in the Minneapolis Star Tribune:
I remember seeing it on Facebook, shared by seemingly every woman my age in fall 2017 — hundreds of thousands of times in a few days. A viral Oprah.com essay, in which writer Ada Calhoun described the “new” midlife crisis hitting Generation X. She wrote about women who were exhausted, overwhelmed, pounded by a unique combination of family and financial stress and widely overlooked by a country obsessed with baby boomers and millennials. Now Calhoun, the author of a memoir, “The Wedding Toasts I’ll Never Give,” and an urban history, “St. Marks Is Dead,” explores the issue in depth in her latest book, “Why We Can’t Sleep: Women’s New Midlife Crisis.”
Read the rest here.